Coding Java

JChampions Conference Talks

For the last few days I have been attending the online JChampions Conference. This conference is organized and featured by Java Champions (widely recognized members of the Java community). As I promised on Twitter, I selected a couple of talks from the event that I liked very much (I almost feel guilty of selecting just […]

Coding Mac OS X

Slow Zsh shell with Git?

I have a few large git repositories that were very slow when I accessed them from my Mac. I tried to solve the problem with different things: running git gc, disabling plugins, running OS X maintenance with Onyx, but nothing was solving the problem. It seems that the problem is caused by OMZ reading the […]

Coding Java Linux

Configuring IntelliJ to work with Podman

Update: IntelliJ Idea version 2021.3 now supports Podman out of the box. If you are using that version, these may not be needed anymore. One of the things I missed when I migrated from Docker to Podman was the builtin integration in IntelliJ. As more users migrate to Podman, I believe it will be supported, […]

Fedora Linux

Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX 200 issues

Apparently a recent upgrade of the Linux firmware packages has caused some Intel Wi-fi 6 AX 200 cards to stop working on Linux. These devices can be found on some motherboards like the Gigabyte X570 I AORUS PRO WIFI/X570 I. For some reason, kernel/device/etc complains that the version of the firmware cannot be loaded. When […]

Cloud Coding DevOps Fedora

Failed unmounting /var/lib/docker

From time to time my desktop would hang when shutting down or rebooting it. Looking at the services output, I found this message: “failed unmounting /var/lib/docker” Although the reason is quite obvious, the root cause is not so easy to figure out. Also, it’s one of those scary situations where there’s simply not enough results […]

DevOps Fedora Linux

Too Many Open Files

If your containers suddenly stop working due to “Too Many Open Files”, you can adjust that with the DefaultLimitNOFILE on the SystemD configuration files /etc/systemd/user.conf and /etc/systemd/system.conf. Depending your system setup, you may need to adjust both. In my case I have, DefaultLimitNOFILE=16384:65535 for the user.conf file and DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535:524288 for the system.conf file. Reboot your […]

Camel Cloud Golang Java

Camel K, Kind and a Local Registry

I was going to propose including this in the Camel K official documentation, but I am keeping it here for now now because it requires some hacks to work. Up until now I have been using k3s for most of my development work, since it runs well on my NUC, but recently I switched to […]

Coding Java

Test woes with Maven Failsafe 3.0.0-M5

Recently I was converting some test cases so that they would run as integration tests instead of unit tests. The maven-failsafe-plugin instead of maven-surefire-plugin. The initial bits of the conversion were running smoothly until I hit a few complex components with lots of dependencies. Then, suddenly I was getting to a point where tests that […]

Coding Linux

Using go and InfluxDB to find the best time to go the gym

I have been suffering from back pain for some time now and after several visits to the doctor, one x-ray and a scary MRI session, his diagnose was clear: I must work-out to harden the muscles on my back to avoid the pain. Indeed, several months without regular exercises along with a routine of being […]

Coding Fedora Java Linux

SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common

Here’s a quick tip if you happen to have problems with the “ no cipher suites in common” exception. This may be caused because the java security settings is restricting the ciphers and algorithms that applications are allowed to use. This may be defined either at a system level (as in the case of Fedora, […]