After you have downloaded SDM, install it and add the bin folder to the $PATH environment variable of your operating system. On Windows, this can be done on My Computer. There are various ways of doing this on Unix, Linux and Mac OS X, but it basically involves editing ~/.bashrc, $HOME/.profile or a similar file. Note: Windows users, DO NOT install it on directory containing spaces, such as C:\Program Files and others.
Note: if you have proxies, setup them before continuing.
The first step before using SDM is to download a remote repository of packages and install within your local repository. To add the default SPM repository run the following command:
sdm add-repository -n default -u
If it completes successfully, you should have an output that resembles this:
otavio@calypso [12:01:38] [~/tools] -> % sdm add-repository -n default -u Repository does not exist. Cloning from remote: Counting objects: 120 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (51/51) Receiving objects: 100% (120/120) Resolving deltas: 100% (20/20) Updating references: 100% (1/1)
To install new packages you can run the following command:
sdm install -p <package name>
If there are collisions (ie: other packages with the same name), you will have to inform the version (-v) and, eventually, the group id (-g).
To learn how to run SDM and install packages, please read the Run SDM page.
To learn how to write installation scripts and contribute to the SPM default repository, please read the Writing Scripts page.
To learn how to create a repository of your own, for the community or for your company, please read the Custom Repositories page.